Wednesday 4 July 2018

Encounters Beyond Time and Space : Tales of the Unknown

                                              The Visit of the Ducks 
                                            Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju

In a dream, I ran into a friend and much older academic colleague from the University of Benin, Dr. Nwaboku, of the Department of Theater Arts, whom I had been told while I was in England, had passed away.
I ran to him in delight, "Its so wonderful to see you are alive, unlike what I was told!", trying to embrace him.
What did he do?
He started throwing stones at me.
Perplexed, I observed the grim determination with which he hurled those stones, doing everything to make sure I did not come near him.
I had to give up trying to reach him.
Yeas later, I keep wondering, why did he seem so hostile?
We had no problems known to me in our relationship.
Someone to whom I told the story concluded that Nwaboku was trying to prevent me from doing something unsafe for me by coming too close to him.
Cover image
“Visit of the Ducks” by Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju